Monday, August 23, 2010


Well, PC received our medical packets but since we are not nominated to leave until next June, I don't think we will be hearing anything out of them for awhile. In the meantime, we are leaving West Palm Beach on Saturday to head to Virginia, where we will spend 2 weeks with David's family, and then 2 weeks with mine in Georgia. And then we'll spend 6 months in Switzerland & Africa with Youth With A Mission. I'm hoping winter in Switzerland will give us a little taste of what a Mongolian winter would be like :)

Since it doesn't look like much will be going on with this blog, feel free to follow our non-PC blog (really, we need to consolidate...) at

Monday, August 9, 2010

All In

As of today, both David and I have completed everything in our medical review packets, filled out all of our reimbursement forms, and sent everything off to the PC office. It's such a relief to know that everything is out of our hands now, but the waiting game is just beginning. And I hate waiting.

We officially leave for our six month Discipleship Training School (in Switzerland and Africa) on Sept. 24, so here's hoping that we have medical clearance before that...because I don't think we'll be doing anything with it while we're overseas.

Come on Medical Office - let's get this show on the road!

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Dear Peace Corps Medical Office,

I would like to know who came up with the magical number of 12 as the amount that I should be reimbursed for my eye exam. I know that you work mostly with people living in various parts of the world, but in case you were wondering, the eye exam I had this morning in the good 'ol US of A ran me $175, which is precisely $163 more than you allotted. Don't get me wrong, I am appreciative to be reimbursed for anything at all, but your estimation is slightly extremely off.
