Thursday, August 5, 2010


Dear Peace Corps Medical Office,

I would like to know who came up with the magical number of 12 as the amount that I should be reimbursed for my eye exam. I know that you work mostly with people living in various parts of the world, but in case you were wondering, the eye exam I had this morning in the good 'ol US of A ran me $175, which is precisely $163 more than you allotted. Don't get me wrong, I am appreciative to be reimbursed for anything at all, but your estimation is slightly extremely off.



  1. Haha. So true! My current pair of glasses ran me at about $200.

  2. LOL Nicole...and yeah, go figure? Totally ridiculous! Perhaps I can hazard a costs $12 to
    1. Call to make the appointment
    2. Pay for the gas to drive there
    3. Buy a coffee en route
    4. Pay for the gas to drive home
