Monday, June 21, 2010

The Good,the Bad and the Ugly

Well the good news is that there is nothing wrong with Toolkit. The bad news is that there is a problem with our nomination. I talked to our recruiter this morning and she said that there have been some changes to the program we were nominated for, so we are un-nominated.

Our recruiter is awesome though and said she is working diligently to get us into another program that would have a similar departure date. I filled out an Education Skills Addendum and we are planning to start teaching at the El Sol Community Center on Friday, but I'm nervous.

They say not to make any big changes until you get your official invitation because so much changes but it's just not possible. David has turned down a job and we are in the process of making some big decisions about the next few months - everything is hinging on this PC thing working out....


  1. Sorry about your troubles Nicole. I hope you get things sorted out soon. I had a thought as to why your original destination was cancelled...perhaps you were scheduled to serve in Kyrgyzstan? There is so much unrest there now...maybe they are not sure what will happen there by next year? Just a thought.

    I am leaving for Europe next year as March. I also will be teaching English. I am hoping for Ukraine.

  2. We are in exactly the same position. They told us we'd been approved for medical so I gave notice. I couldn't really sign another one-year contract with a 90-day notice provision if we were going to Africa in September. I also turned down another fabulous job running the local botanic garden. Now that our medical accommodations have suddenly changed things we are really hoping for Mexico. If not, do I grovel back at my job to see if they will hire me to consult for a few months? We need health insurance. It's really difficult.
